Flamingo Fun!
Annamae Losch found herself surrounded by Flamingos!
St. Stephen’s Youth Group
Announces their newest fundraiser……
Flamingo fun will begin MAY 1st and we hope you will have fun with it.
Here’s how it works:
If you suddenly find a flock of flamingos grazing in your yard, you may choose 1 of 3 options but you CANNOT keep them.
Here are your choices:
1. Pay $15.00 to have them removed promptly.
2. Pay $20.00 to have them removed and designate the next recipient.
3. Pay $25.00 to have them removed, designate next recipient and a guarantee not to “feed the flock” again.
(all money needs to by payable to St. Stephen’s youth group)
What if you don’t want to play?
We will sell you insurance policy that guarantee’s protection from the invasion of the flamingo flock for ONLY $30.00
NOTE: If you are able to catch the flock as they are LANDING in your yard, you will win an HOUR’s free labor of your choice by the culprits or youth members of your choice!!
For REMOVAL call: Arlen Saner (717) 436-9159 or Kathy Whitesel (717) 436-2401